Homilies for the hurried. Meaningful metaphors for the person on the run.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lessons For Your Lunchbox 1


As I grow older, I ponder toward my legacy. I was groomed in the age of sound bites, often wondering what will be said when I pass from this earth. I once came across a book in southern Vermont entitled: “Talk Less, Say More.” I never read the book. I didn’t have to, the title said it all. And, hopefully, these words can be said of me.

As time passes, I want to be succinct. In that process I have stumbled upon, retrieved from others and ripped from my soul some truths that I find fruitful. I started by calling them: “Things I Believe In.” Eventually, that title gave way to a series of writings that have now become “Lessons for my lunchbox”, that will, hopefully, someday form my Legacy.

The following sound bites are “the rod and staff that have comforted me” in my search to have an impact in this world. The statements are short and each one has a story, but for now just ponder them and allow the truth to form your learning.

NEVER DELEGATE A CONFIDENCE: always remember, “and Mary pondered these things in her heart.” There are things that I will take to my grave.

WHEN YOU MESS UP--FESS UP: always remember, “Achan hid the fruits of Jericho. He could have avoided his pain with a simple admission.” People respect humility over arrogance.

ALWAYS CHOOSE INTEGRITY OVER CONVENIENCE: always remember: “If Aaron would have waited a little longer, he wouldn’t have had to eat the ground-up golden calf.”

WHILE SAUL IS FALLING, GOD IS CALLING: always remember, “while Saul was being annoying, David was being anointed.” Be faithful, your time will come.

WHILE DAVID WAS LEARNING, GOD WAS LOOKING: always remember, “what you do in secret will be rewarded openly.”

BE ALERT, BUT NOT ALARMED: always remember, “sheep scatter sheep, and shepherds settle sheep.” Jesus said, “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

NEVER SAY ANYTHING ABOUT SOMEONE YOU WOULDN’T SAY TO THEM: always remember, “there are ripples to every word you speak, and they strike the shores of life in ways you never dreamed possible.”

THERE ARE THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW AND THINGS YOU WANT TO KNOW: always remember: “a wise leader knows the difference: sometimes it’s neither.” Jesus said, “It’s not good for you to know the times or the seasons.”

LEADERS ARE LEARNERS: always remember, “read.”

The higher you GO the less options you have: always remember, “the position of leader will be judged more strictly.”

it’s tough to keep a full cup steady: always remember, “Jesus said: Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.” Don’t spill your family, your ministry or your soul for the sake of “many things.”

the closer you get the more difficult it is to confront: always remember, “Jesus went away by himself for a while,” then he faced the problems of those closest to him.

People will never understand your methods until they understand your motives: always remember, “the ten commandments were truths engraved in the heart of Moses by God himself.” It’s not hard to follow when you know where the vision comes from.

UNLESS YOU ARE BROKEN, YOU WILL NEVER REBUILD: always remember, “Nehemiah bore much sorrow, over his hurting city, long before he rebuilt it.” Unless something burdens you enough to break you, it will probably be left in peril. Until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change, men stay the same.”

FOR EVERY BLESSING THERE IS A BOUNDARY: always remember, “the rules are there to keep the fun in the game.” The Apostle Paul said, “God is not the author of confusion. Everything should be done decent and in order.”

FOR EVERY RESTRAINT THERE MUST BE A REASON: always remember, “fences are for keeping bad things out and good things in.” The prophet Amos said, “Hate the evil, love the good and stand in judgment at the gate.”

THOSE THAT ARE SELF ABSORBED…SELF DESTRUCT: Paul said, “Demas, be cause he loved the world has left me.” Stay true to God.

BE A VOICE AND NOT AN ECHO: always remember, John the Baptist said: “I am the voice of the one crying in the wilderness.” He had his own message.

AND FINALLY……..AND MOST IMPORTANTLY…….In order to have a decisive legacy, you are certainly going to have to: WRITE YOUR OWN LIST!: always remember, Jesus said: “and greater things than these shall you do.” There is yet much to learn.


  1. This is great. It's a quick reminder to stay on track.

  2. Wow great Wisdom, I like the part that focus on

    Thats what we see going on around us, but we as Christian must get our identity and self confident from Jesus, or we will as you said be self absorbed.

    Thanks for your encouraging words.

  3. Thanks. This is indeed very helpful in our daily "walk". Keep the lunch boxes coming.

